Sustainability does not mean lack of comfort or amenity.
~ Norman Foster
By code the DTS Project House must comply with the California Green Building Code and its LA City amendments. The DTS Project House is designed to meet rigorous green and sustainable building standards, so complying with the most stringent of the Green Building Code, Tier 1, does not require altering the project design. Designing to Tier 1 standards has the benefit of allowing additional square footage to be built per the LA City Hillside Ordinance.
Planning And Design
1. Requirement
Per Section A4.106.2.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Displaced topsoil shall be stockpiled for reuse in a designated area and covered or protected from erosion.”
See Site Maintenance Plan on Sheet A1.10 for specified stockpile location and installation of barrier fence and tarps.
2. Requirement
Per Section A4.106.4 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Not less than 20 percent of the total parking, walking, or patio surfaces shall be permable.”
See Hardscape Plan on Sheet A1.11 showing locations of hardscape surfaces, and calculations showing 20% compliance.
3. Requirement
Per Section A4.106.5 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Roofing materials shall have a minimum 3-year aged solar reflectance and thermal emittance or a minimum aged Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) equal to or greater than the values specified in Tables A4.106.5(1) and A4.106.5(2). Tier 1 roof covering shall meet or exceed the values contained in Table A4.106.5(1).”
See Shingle roofing material specification and compliance specifications on Sheet 5/A0.16.
4. Requirement
Per Section A4.103.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“A site which complies with at least one of the following characteristics is selected: 1. An infill site is selected.”
Per item (b) of Section 21061.3 of California Public Resources Code and definitions of “urbanized area” (21071(a)) and “qualified urban use” (21072), site qualifies as an “infill site”.
5. Not Applicable
6. Not Applicable
7. Not Applicable
8. Requirement
Per Section A4.106.2.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Soil analysis is performed by a licensed design professional and the findings utilized in the structural design of the building.”
See Sheet A1.07 for City of Los Angeles Approval of Soils Report submitted by Robinson & Associates. See Sheet A1.08 showing foundation design compliance with Soils Report. See structural drawings showing foundation design reviewed and approved by Soils Engineer as complying with approved Soils Report.
9. Not Applicable
10. Not Applicable
11. Not ApplicableEnergy Efficiency
12. Requirement
Per Section A4.106.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Exceed the California Energy Code requirements, based on the 2008 Energy Efficiency Standards requirements by 15 percent.”
See Sheet 1/A0.12 Title 24 Compliance Form CF-1R stating that Building is 16.4% better than standard.
13. Not Applicable
14. Not Applicable
15. Not Applicable
16. Not Applicable
17. Not Applicable
18. Not Applicable
19. Not Applicable
20. Not Applicable
21. Requirement
Per Section A4.207.7 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Install ductwork to comply with at least one of the following: 1. Install ducts within the conditioned envelope of the building.”
All ductwork is installed within the conditioned envelope of the building.
22. Not Applicable
23. Not Applicable
24. Not Applicable
25. Not Applicable
26. Not Applicable
27. Requirement
Per Section A4.208.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Where the hot water source is more than ten feet from a fixture, the potable water distribution system shall convey hot water using a method designed to minimize wait time for hot water to arrive at the fixture.”
A hot water recirculation piping system shall be installed throughout the building providing instant hot water at all fixtures scheduled to supply hot water.
28. Not Applicable
29. Requirement
Per Section A4.211.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system in compliance with the California Energy Commission New Solar Homes Partnership (NSHP). Each appliance provided by the builder must be ENERGY STAR if an ENERGY designation is applicable for that appliance.
See Roof Plan on Sheet A2.10 showing location of Photovoltaic System to be installed.
30. Requirement
Per Section A4.211.2 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“A solar water heating system is installed.”
See Roof Plan on Sheet A2.10 showing location of Solar Water Heating System.
31. Not ApplicableWater Efficiency and Conservation
32. Requirement
Per Section A4.303.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Kitchen faucets and dishwashers in Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings shall comply with this section.
Tier 1. The maximum flow rate at a kitchen sink faucet shall not be geater than 1.5 gallons per minute at 60psi. Rated flow rates for the default function of the faucet shall be used to demonstrate compliance with this section.
See Kitchen Faucet specification on Sheet A0.16 showing compliance.
33. Requirement
Per Section A4.304.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“When landscaping is provided by the builder, a water Budget shall be developed for landscape irrigation use that conforms to the local water efficient landscape ordinance.”
See Hydrozone Plan and water use calculations on Sheet A1.12. See Form GRN-12 on Sheet A0.09 at final Inspection.
34. Requirement
Per Section A4.304.4 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Provide water efficient landscape irrigation design that reduces the use of potable water. Tier 1. Does not exceed 65 percent of ETo times the landscape area.”
See Form GRN 12 on Sheet A0.09.
1. 65% of allowable potable water = 50.10 (ETo) X 10,443 (Landscape area) = 340,076 gallons
2. 145,485 gallons required – complies
35. Not Applicable
36. Requirement
Per Section A4.304.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Install a low-water consumption irrigation system which minimizes the use of spray type heads. Spray type irrigation may only be used a turf areas. The remaining irrigation systems shall use only the following types of low volume irrigation systems: 1. Drip irrigation; Bubblers; 3. Drip emitters.”
See Form GRN 12 on Sheet A0.09.
37. Not Applicable
38. Not Applicable
39. Not Applicable
40. Not Applicable
41. Not ApplicableMaterial Conservation & Resource Efficiency
42. Requirement
Per Section A4.403.2 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“As allowed by the enforcement Agency, cement used in foundation mix design shall be reduced as follows: Not less than 20 perecnt reduction in cement use.”
See Sheet S0 stating Concrete Mix Design shall reduce use of cement in foundation concrete by 20%.
43. Requirement
Per Section A4.405.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Use materials, equivalent in performance to virgin materials, with postconsumer or preconsumer recycled content value (RCV) for a minimum of 10 percent of the total value, based on estimated cost of materials on the project. Provide documentation as to the respective values.”
Per A4.405.3.1 the following equation shall be used to calculate recycled content value: RCV = (percent PC x material cost) +0.5 (percent PI x material cost) where PC = post consumer waste and PI =post industrial waste. Compliance
1. Total Material Costs = 6,506sf X $101.90sf valuation X 45% = $ 298,333.00
2. Minimum RCV Required = $298,333.00 X 10% = $29,833.00 minimum RCV
44. Requirement
Per Section A4.408.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Nonhazardous construction and demolition debris generated at the site is diverted to recycle or slavage in compliance with one of the following: Tier 1 at least a 65 percent reduction.
LA City certified Construction and Demolition Processing Facility to be used:
California Waste Systems (CSW) 621 West 152nd Street, Gardena, California 90247
45. Not Applicable
46. Requirement
Per Section A4.404.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Use premanufactured building systems to eliminate solid sawn lumber whenever possible. One or more of the following premanufactured building systems is used:
1. Composite floor joist or premanufactured floor truss framing.
2. Composite roof rafters or premanufactured roof truss framing.”
See sheets S2.2, S2.3, S2.4, S2.5, and S2.6 specifying prefabricated TJI Floor and Roof Joists.
47. Not Applicable
48. Requirement
Per Section A4.405.1 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Utilize prefinished building materials which do not require additional painting or staining when possible. One or more of the following building materials that do not require additional resources for finishing are used:
2. Windows not requiring paint or stain.”
See Sheet A0.07 Window Schedule designating Windows to have an anodized aluminum finish or be frameless glass.
49. Not Applicable
50. Not Applicable
51. Not Applicable
52. Not Applicable
53. Not Applicable
54. Not ApplicableEnvironmental Quality
55. Not Applicable – No resilient flooring installed.
56. Requirement
Per Section A4.504.3 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance:
“Tier 1. Install thermal insulation in compliance with the VOC-emission limits defined in Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-emitting Materials List.”
See 1/A0.16 for thermal insulation specification and compliance specifications.
57. Not Applicable
58. Not Applicable
59. Requirement
Per Section A4.506.2 of LA GREEN BUILDING CODE, meet requirements for Tier 1 compliance: “Direct-vent heating and cooling equipment is utilized if the equipment will be located in the conditioned space or install the space heating and water heating equipment in an isolated mechanical room.”
See Lower Level Floor Plan on Sheet A2.05 and Upper Level Floor Plan on Sheet A2.07
Showing isolated mechanical rooms housing space heating and water heating equipment.
Complexity is one of the great problems in environmental design.
~ Christopher Alexander