In architectural projects, you can and in fact must allow for friction with others …Our best projects are those realized with the close involvement of the client. In a process aimed exclusively at good architecture , the more intelligent solution will prevail no matter who suggests it. It’s not a matter of functional solutions but of holistic ones. Architecture is an archaic discipline of holism.
~ Jacques Herzog


As part of the Schematic Design Phase, a Project Narrative was prepared to tell the story of the DTS Project House. The Narrative attempts to delineate the Owners’ and mills studio’s intentions for the project and the effort required to express those intentions. The Narrative attempts to reveal the people, works, and ideas that inspire and inform the DTS Project House and attempts to show the discipline and holistic approach required to create the DTS Project House. The Narrative attempts to covey that communicating and making tangible the primal importance of the institution of the family is what makes the single family residence as significant a work of architectural art as any other building type.

The house, the residence, is the only rampart against the dread of nothingness, darkness, and the obscurity of the past. Its walls contain all that mankind has patiently amassed over hundreds of centuries. It opposes escape, loss, and absence by erecting an internal order, a civility, a passion of its own. Its liberty flourishes where there is stability and finitude, not openness and infinity…Man’s identity is thus residential, and that is why the revolutionary, who has neither hearth nor home, hence faith nor law, epitomizes the anguish of errancy…
~ Bernard Edelman on Immanuel Kant in La Maison de Kant